The story of the Gilort River is a magazine that our team started to edit in the summer of 2022, to contribute to the information campaign for the residents of the cities located in or near the Gilort River Natura 2000 site. We have taken this decision to increase the impact of awareness activities and reach a segment of the public that cannot be informed through online platforms. We aim to publish the magazine twice a year (June and December). As you can see from the first two..
Month: January 2023
Networking projects LIFE
In 2022, the implementation team of the Fish For Life project participated in two exchanges of experience with other LIFE projects, one in Poland and one in Romania. The first trip took place in the town of Gryfice in Poland, between 30.03 and 01.04.2022, for a meeting with the project team LIFE11NAT/PL/000424: Niebieski korytarz Regi'. The project is implemented in the period 01.06.2012 – 30.06.2023, with the main objective of significantly improving the state of aquatic species (Annex II Habitat Directive) by creating a blue corridor along the Rega River. After each team presented the problems...
Participation IENE 2022
A team from APM Gorj participated between September 19-23, 2022 at the International and Ecology Network Europe conference, which took place in Cluj-Napoca. They presented the paper Terrestrial transport infrastructure impact on longitudinal connectivity of rivers – a case study on Gilort River, Romania. The mentioned paper was presented in the Practical Experiences, Challenges and Opportunities Related to Transport...