As we presented in a previous article, the construction of the Albeni passage (one of the most important activities of the Fish for Life project) was initially started in 2020, but the work was seriously affected by the natural phenomena produced on the Gilort River in January 2021. After a court action against the builder, who refused to bear the restoration of the works, an action that lasted 3 years, APM Gorj won the case in the trial before the Gorj Court. According to the court decision, the builder is obliged to return the amounts…
Training session intended for custodians of Natura 2000 sites and authorities that manage the water bodies
The Gorj Environmental Protection Agency, in collaboration with the University of Bucharest (Centre for Environmental Research and Impact Studies - CCMESI) and Invisible Nature, have organized a training session between 3-7 of June 2024 aimed at the site custodians of Natura 2000 and authorities managing water bodies in river restoration approaches. Among the topics covered in the training session were the ichthyofauna of the Natura 2000 Gilort River site and the pressures and threats to it, the influence of ecological reconstruction on fish species, applied reconstruction measures…
Traseul tematic Bălcești - “Povestea Râului Gilort“
În cadrul proiectului Fish for Life a fost realizat un traseu tematic, deschis oricărui iubitor de natură, curios să afle mai multe informații despre râuri și specii de pești, cum au fost acestea afectate de activitățile umane dar și ce se poate face pentru a atenua efectele asupra mediului. Punctul de pornire se află în apropierea Școlii Gimnaziale Bălcești (localitatea Bengești-Ciocadia), la intersecția dintre Linia Mică și Aleea Școlii. Traseul are un rol informativ și educativ și prezintă un sector din bazinul râului Gilort, râu ce a fost gazda unor…
The reconstruction works on the Gilort River have been completed
A series of complex ecological reconstruction works have been completed (in autumn 2023) on the Gilort River. They were carried out as part of the LIFE project “Restoration of the migration lanes and habitats for rheophilic fish species in the Gilort River” - Fish for Life, within the radius of Bengești-Ciocadia commune. They included works in the riverbed, aimed at increasing the diversity of habitats for the rheophilic fish species that inhabit the Gilort River. Last but not least, a series of tree plantings were completed in the Natura 2000 Gilort River site...