The story of the Gilort River is a magazine that our team started to edit in the summer of 2022, to contribute to the information campaign for the residents of the cities located in or near the Gilort River Natura 2000 site. We have taken this decision to increase the impact of awareness activities and reach a segment of the public that cannot be informed through online platforms.

We aim to publish the magazine twice a year (June and December). As you can see from the first two issues of the magazine, it includes information about the activities implemented within the Fish For Life project, the Gilort River Natura 2000 site, the plant and animal species of the site, especially the protected ones.

The magazine is generally available at the headquarters of the town halls of Albeni, Bumbești-Pițic, Bengești-Ciocadia and Târgu Cărbunești, the "Maria Lătărețu" House-Museum in Bălcești and the "Tudor Arghezi" Municipal Library Tg-Cărbunești.

The first two issues of the magazine are available in the Publications section

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