
Fish for Life


Liviving rivers for communities and nature

What role do the rivers have in our lives?

The rivers are recreational, bathing, playgrounds or outdoor learning areas for young people. They are fishing areas, they are a source of water for the communities we live in or places that bring us cold in the heat.

The rivers are a living laboratory with natural processes on which the welfare of communities and nature depends.

The Fish for Life project aims to help restore these natural processes to the Gilort River through ecological reconstruction measures and innovative approaches based on integrated water management and collaboration with institutions and communities.

Liviving rivers for communities and nature

What role do the rivers have in our lives?

Râurile sunt locuri de recreere, de îmbăiere, locuri de joacă sau spațiu de învățare în aer liber pentru cei tineri. Sunt zone de pescuit, sunt sursă de apă pentru comunitățile în care trăim. Sunt loc de adăpat pentru animale sau locuri ce ne aduc răcoare pe timp de arșiță. Sunt habitatul nenumăratelor specii de faună sălbătică.

The rivers are a living laboratory with natural processes on which the welfare of communities and nature depends.

The Fish for Life project aims to help restore these natural processes to the Gilort River through ecological reconstruction measures and innovative approaches based on integrated water management and collaboration with institutions and communities.


Construction of two fish passages to restore the migration of species (e.g. the cobbler) along the course of Gilort River

Plantations of
native species

Sustainable stabilization of banks on at least 10 hectares of river corridor by planting native species.


Improving habitat diversity for four species of fish on a 26-km stretch of Gilort River

attend to

World Water Day

March 22

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