Approximatively 130 students from the schools of Albeni and Pociovaliștea – Novaci took part in an event organized by the people behind the Fish for Life project, thus celebrating 30 years of existence of the LIFE Program. The competition was about creating clips about the river Gilort which is part of the Natura 2000 Site, and the wining teams would receive trekking equipment as prizes. Students from classes V to VII participated in groups of 5, all coordinated by their teachers. The objectives of these activities were: familiarizing students with elements of the Natura 2000 Site as well as how to protect...
Category: News
Afforestation works in Bengești-Ciocadia
As part of actions C2 and C3 of the project FISH FOR LIFE - Restoration of migration corridors and habitats for rheophilic fish species in the Gilort River - LIFE16 NAT / RO / 000778, a series of afforestation activities will be carried out. They aim to restore the connectivity of the riparian forests along the river, ensure the stabilization of the banks and the creation of buffer strips on the Gilort River. These will be carried out starting this spring on an area of 3.09 ha from the Gilortului meadow, on both banks of the river. The area is located on the territorial radius of...
Meeting with the local authorities from Bemgești - Ciocadia
The implementation team of the FISH FOR LIFE project organized on Thursday, February 24, 2022, a meeting with the representatives of the local authorities from Bengești - Ciocadia, more precisely the town hall and the police of the administrative-territorial unit. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss measures to contribute to the successful implementation of the ecological planting and reconstruction works that will begin this spring along the Gilort. The lands on which the plantations will be made have been selected (based on the studies performed) as the best areas that contribute to improving the connectivity of riparian forest habitats...
Schimb de experiență cu ROSCI0019 Căliman - Gurghiu
O echipă reprezentând proiectul Fish For Life (Nicolae Calma, manager de proiect, și Istvan Falka, ihtiolog) a participat la un schimb de experiență în județul Mureș, în situl Natura 2000 ROSCI0019 Căliman – Gurghiu. Au fost însoțiți de către domnul Kovrig Zoltan – reprezentantul Agenției Naționale pentru Arii Naturale Protejate Mureș, administrator al ariilor naturale protejate din județul Mureș. Programul a inclus vizitarea a două pasaje de migrație pentru pești de pe râurile Niraj și Secu, aflate în situl Natura 2000 ROSCI0019 Căliman – Gurghiu. Aria naturală protejată este situată…