The success of a conservation project depends, to a large extent, on its acceptance and support on behalf of the local community where it is implemented. That is why Fish For Life project team also discussed with local community representatives from Natura 2000 Gilort River site to draw an image of ancient Gilort. So, regarding reconstruction, we need to have a starting point, and the local community is the one that has been a permanent witness to the changes occurred in riverbed and fish species that once inhabited it in large numbers.
Tag: video
Good practice video
Sustainable management of water bodies must combine economic safety and development of local communities from adjacent areas, with the needs of conservation for species and habitats. FishForLife project proposes, with the support of local partners, modern solutions for solving dysfunctions, through an integrated approach of river basin management, based on the objectives of Water Framework Directive and management plan of Natura 2000 Gilort River site.
Partnership for the Gilort River
The success of some measures of ecological reconstruction of some river sectors is very much conditioned by a collaboration between the institutions that have attributions in the management of the river basin, of the Natura 2000 Gilort River site and of the biodiversity of the area in general.
Short film about the project
The project implementation team has completed a first short film about the Fish for Life project. The film is the first of a series of 10 short films that present the purpose, objectives, actions and results of the project and is part of its communication strategy with the decision makers and the target groups of the project. And we invite you to watch it.