As we announced in a series of previous articles, but also on the project's Facebook page, in the area of the Gilort River Natura 2000 site, a series of afforestation and ecological reconstruction works are being carried out as part of the Fish For Life project. Thus, on November 10, the works aimed at planting saplings on the banks of the Gilort river, in the area of the Bengești-Ciocadia commune, were started. The objectives of these afforestation activities are to restore the connectivity of the riparian forests along the river and ensure the stabilization of the banks and the creation of buffer strips. Among the species used are ...
Tag: ecological reconstruction
Ecological reconstruction works on Gilort and Galbenu Rivers
If some time ago we talked about the afforestation works to be carried out in the Natura 2000 site of Gilort River, today we will present the works for the restoration of migration corridors and habitats for fish species in the Gilort River. Thus, according to the Fish for Life project, it is necessary to apply green solutions in order to restore the natural morphology of the Gilort and Galbenu rivers and the riparian forests. Proposed works for the Gilort River include: reducing the rate of bank erosion and lateral migration of the river, with beneficial effects for the protection
Dialogue with local community
The success of a conservation project depends, to a large extent, on its acceptance and support on behalf of the local community where it is implemented. That is why Fish For Life project team also discussed with local community representatives from Natura 2000 Gilort River site to draw an image of ancient Gilort. So, regarding reconstruction, we need to have a starting point, and the local community is the one that has been a permanent witness to the changes occurred in riverbed and fish species that once inhabited it in large numbers.
ecological reconstruction sustainable solutions
The Fish For Life project team has completed a new episode of the series of short videos dedicated to good practices in the field of ecological management and reconstruction of rivers. Thus, Cristian Tetelea, coordinator of ecological reconstruction activities, and Istvan Falka, coordinator of fish species monitoring activities, explain the role of the measures to be implemented in activities C2 (Habitat reconstruction measures in Gilort riverbed) and C3 ( Riverbed stabilization on the Gilort River at key points).