As we announced in a previous article, in November 2022 the planting works began in the area of the commune of Bengești-Ciocadia. The time has come to report the stage of these works aimed at restoring the connectivity of the riparian forests along the Gilort River. Up to this point almost 6000 saplings have been planted, namely white willow (823 saplings), black alder (2835 saplings), black poplar/white poplar (1800 saplings) and ash (517 saplings). Of the total number of black anin saplings planted, 30% were harvested from natural regenerations (from the area of the Natura 2000..
Tag: riparian forests
Restoration of riparian habitats
We were telling you a while ago about the completion of the A2 activity of the projectnamely the integrated analysis of the Gilort River. One of the most important chapters of the report is aimed at restoring natural habitats on the rivers of the Natura 2000 site, the Gilort River. The Riparian forests of the Natura 2000 Site, the Gilort River, also face a relatively high degree of fragmentation, which often requires plantings that increase the afforestation of deficient areas and restore the connectivity of these forest bodies. Other threats identified to forests are illegal...