A new scientific fishing campaign took place between August 7-11, on the Gilort River and its tributaries: Galbenu, Blahnita and Ciocadia. The project team involved in this action was coordinated by the specialist in ichthyology, Dr. Adrian Ionașcu. Scientific fishing represents an extremely important stage that is the basis of the monitoring of the fish and macroinvertebrate population, after the implementation of the ecological reconstruction measures on the Gilort River. The scientific fishing campaign was carried out by electrofishing and releasing the captured specimens. The team involved in this extremely laborious and demanding activity spent around ...
Tag: Scientific fishing
Scientific fishing campaign
A FishForLife project team, coordinated by Dr. Istvan Falka, conducted a new scientific fishing campaign on Gilort River and its main tributaries between 15 and 17 July, 2019. The action is part of A3 action - Survey of the population status of target fishes and macroinvertebrate species in Gilort River.Target species of the project were identified among the species captured by electrofishing and released, namely the Golden spined loach (Sabanejewia aurata), the Brook Lamprey (Eudontomyzon mariae), the White-Finned Gudgeon (Gobio albipinnatus) and the Mediterranean Barbel (Barbus meridionalis). Some of the fishing points were: upstream the confluence of Gilort