The implementation team of the FISH FOR LIFE project organized on Thursday, February 24, 2022, a meeting with the representatives of the local authorities from Bengești - Ciocadia, more precisely the town hall and the police of the administrative-territorial unit.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss measures to contribute to the successful implementation of the ecological planting and reconstruction works that will begin this spring along the Gilort. The lands on which the plantations will be made have been selected (based on the studies performed) as the best areas that contribute to improving the connectivity of riparian forest habitats along with the river sector, but also that can be integrated with bank stabilization measures. The owners have agreed to keep these new areas planted for the next 20 years. The access of domestic animals in the planted areas will be restricted, to reduce the risk of graze grazing or their destruction by animals.

Representatives of the police station and the mayor's office said that they will explain to the people that all the work done in the area is for the benefit of the local community and, to be effective, will have to be maintained as such, and their eventual destruction will entail bearing the legal consequences.

The planting and reconstruction work will most likely start in early April. The Gorj Environmental Protection Agency uploaded on February 15, 2022, in the public tender platform, the contract award documentation: Restoration of migration corridors and habitats for rheophilic fish species in the Gilort River. The deadline for submission of bids is March 9, 2022. Refacerea culoarelor de migrație și a habitatelor pentru speciile de pești reofili din râul Gilort. Termenul limită pentru depunerea ofertelor este 09 martie 2022.

For a better understanding of the works to be carried out, in the next period we will publish a series of explanatory materials related to the planting of seedlings, but also the works of shore defence.

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