As we announced in a previous article, in November 2022 the planting works began in the area of the commune of Bengești-Ciocadia. The time has come to report the stage of these works aimed at restoring the connectivity of the riparian forests along the Gilort River. Up to this point almost 6000 saplings have been planted, namely white willow (823 saplings), black alder (2835 saplings), black poplar/white poplar (1800 saplings) and ash (517 saplings). Of the total number of black anin saplings planted, 30% were harvested from natural regenerations (from the area of the Natura 2000..
Author: Fishforlife
Situation of Passage Albeni
Realizarea pasajului pentru pești de la Albeni reprezintă un obiectiv cu importanță socială și ecologică pentru situl Natura 200 Râul Gilort și unul dintre cele mai importante obiective ale proiectului Fish for Life. Așa cum am informat în trecut pe pagina noastră, construcția pasajului de la Albeni a fost afectată de fenomenele naturale produse pe râul Gilort. Acestor fenomene naturale li s-au adăugat o serie de evenimente administrative care au blocat acțiunile noastre de refacere a pasajului. De aceea, dorim să informăm publicul larg despre situația actuală a lucrărilor la…
The most beautiful places on Gilort
Through conservation efforts in the Gilort River Natura 2000 site, we want to build a community of nature lovers along the Gilort and Galbenul rivers together with you. In addition to the specific conservation activities within the Fish for Life project, the construction of migration passages for fish, the restoration of riparian corridors by planting trees along the river or the arrangement of microhabitats in the minor river bed, we aim to revive local pride and the desire to change in well where we live. The local stories, the history of the fishing parties on the rivers of the Gilort basin
Story of Gilort River
The story of the Gilort River is a magazine that our team started to edit in the summer of 2022, to contribute to the information campaign for the residents of the cities located in or near the Gilort River Natura 2000 site. We have taken this decision to increase the impact of awareness activities and reach a segment of the public that cannot be informed through online platforms. We aim to publish the magazine twice a year (June and December). As you can see from the first two..