If some time ago we talked about the afforestation works to be carried out in the Natura 2000 site of Gilort River, today we will present the works for the restoration of migration corridors and habitats for fish species in the Gilort River. Thus, according to the Fish for Life project, it is necessary to apply green solutions in order to restore the natural morphology of the Gilort and Galbenu rivers and the riparian forests. Proposed works for the Gilort River include: reducing the rate of bank erosion and lateral migration of the river, with beneficial effects for the protection
Tag: Gilort
Meeting with fishermen from Cărbunești and Ciocadia
The Fish For Life project implementation team organized at the end of September 2021 a meeting with amateur fishermen from Târgu Cărbunești and Bengești Ciocadia, located along the Gilort River. The ten participants had the opportunity to closely follow the way the passage on the overflow threshold in Târgu Cărbunești works and received information from the team about the works on this passage. Arrangement of the overflow threshold of the bridge on DN67B was necessary so that the fish can pass upstream. The existing overflow threshold has a...
Contracting the works for fish passages
EPA Gorj, the coordinator of the Fish For Life project, has concluded the contract for the design and execution of the construction works for the two fish migration passages on Gilort River. The works will be divided into two lots, corresponding to the two threshold spillways, Albeni and Targu Carbunesti.