As part of actions C2 and C3 of the project FISH FOR LIFE - Restoration of migration corridors and habitats for rheophilic fish species in the Gilort River - LIFE16 NAT / RO / 000778, a series of afforestation activities will be carried out. They aim to restore the connectivity of the riparian forests along the river, ensure the stabilization of the banks and the creation of buffer strips on the Gilort River. These will be carried out starting this spring on an area of 3.09 ha from the Gilortului meadow, on both banks of the river. The area is located on the territorial radius of Bengești - Ciocadia commune, Gorj county. The territory on which the plantings will be carried out overlaps with the protected area of community interest ROSCI 0362 Gilort River. At this point, the lands that make up this perimeter are used for agricultural purposes (pastures and arable land). The lands to be planted will remain the property of the current owners.

In the first phase, the construction waste will be removed, and the tall, bushy grassy vegetation (loft, rosehip) will be removed from the planting sites. Then, where the situation requires it, the soil will be prepared in advance in the form of hearths with dimensions between 40 and 100 cm.

The choice of wood species was made considering the requirements of each species to ecological factors (light, air temperature, humidity, wind, etc.), soil factors (soil texture and depth, skeletal content, trophic, specific, and global, humidity, fertility), geomorphological factors (altitude, exposure, slope, terrain configuration), biotic and abiotic factors, etc.

The species to be used within the analysed perimeter analysed are black alder, white willow, black or white poplar and ash. These species correspond to the seasonal conditions, adapted to the ecological specificity of the area, and can ensure the hydrological, anti-erosion and ecological protection functions specific to the stands in the river meadows.

The seedlings used in the planting works must comply with STAS 1347-04 - Small, semi-medium and medium-sized forest seedlings, as well as the provisions of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 11 of 2004 on the production, marketing, and use of forest reproductive material. Plantings will be made at densities between 2500 and 5000 seedlings per hectare, randomly, in a zigzag, and not in alignments. The seedlings will be planted in spring and autumn. Of the total seedlings, at least 30% must be harvested from natural regeneration, in compliance with the dimensional and quality conditions imposed by the specific standards. STAS 1347-04 – Puieţi forestieri de talie mică, semimijlocie şi mijlocie, precum şi prevederile Ordonanţei de Urgenţă a Guvernului nr. 11 din 2004 privind producerea, comercializarea şi utilizarea materialelor forestiere de reproducere. Plantările se vor realiza la densități cuprinse între 2500 și 5000 de puieți pe hectar, aleatoriu, în zigzag, și nu pe aliniamente. Plantarea puieților se va face primăvara și toamna. Din totalul puieților, minim 30% trebuie să fie recoltați din regenerări naturale, cu respectarea condițiile dimensionale și de calitate impuse prin standardele specifice.

In the case of uniformly spread or grouped losses, additions were provided in years I and II from planting in percentages of 15-20%, respectively 10%. The seedlings that come in addition will have to comply with the same quality standards as the seedlings planted in the year I. The achievement of the final success was planned for the 5th year after planting. Also, an annual control of the success of the plantations will be carried out, to determine the success of the plantations and how they have developed.

The protection of the perimeter will be done by fencing with galvanized barbed wire fence with 4 rows of wire, fixed on wooden poles, with a total length of 1,825 km. The fence will be installed on the entire perimeter, except on the banks of the river Gilort. Chemical pest control works can also be carried out using insecticides with the active substance lambda-cyhalothrin, with a concentration of 0.015% at a dose of 150 l / ha.

The afforestation process can be considered completed only when the planted seedlings have grown so much that they can influence each other and together fundamentally change the environment within the culture. The end of the process coincides with the formation of the massif state.

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